Immersive VR or virtual reality experience showcasing different styles and culture of houses around the world
Virtual Reality Application
Key Skills
Game Development
Game Design
Product Showcase
How it works and main features of Aneeme
Build Mode
Users can place 3D Models from their own computer or Aneeme's online database into ANEEME's virtual environment.
Play Mode
During play mode, users can interact with the objects imported into the environment. Aside from showcasing and creating different houses in VR, we incorporated game elements such as user avatars to improve experience.
Automatic Skeletal Rigging
This VR application focuses on building technologies that rapidly synthesize animated visual scenes. Users can easily incorporate and animate humanoid objects such as toys, figurines, and even their own avatar into the virtual environment.
Key Insight
This was my first work experience, so collaborating with people from different backgrounds has grounded me. Our everyday work was a fun and productive learning experience thanks to the guidance of my senior colleagues.
As part of the team, I developed the interactable objects framework that made a piano playable, objects that could break and be hung, and other interactions. I also learned how to use Blender to make our artists’ 3D objects interactable. Seeing our 3D artists create 3D models inspired me to tap into my creative side again.
With this experience, indeed, “the pleasure we found in working together made us exceptionally patient; it is much easier to strive for perfection when you are never bored.” (D. Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow)